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Let's Celebrate the Inauguration of Our 47th President
At our January 20th RWWC Meeting!

Come early and be prepared for fun, fellowship, food, and celebrating our 47th President Donald J. Trump

Check in begins at 8:45 am

Breakfast/brunch served at 9:00 am until 9:50 am (different stations available for faster service)
Cost $15
Meeting begins at 10 am
SREC representatives for our District 1, Christin Bentley and Paul Hale, will speak about the Legislative Priorities for the upcoming 89th Legislative Session.
Live stream of Inauguration of Donald J. Trump on our big screen at 11:00 am
Cake, champagne punch, and snacks included for everyone at no cost to members
Stay as long as you would like and watch the ride from the Capitol Building to the White House

RWWC 2024 Officers



Annual Projects


- Present programs on the Constitution to students 

- Provide Constitution booklets to county 8th graders

Caring for America

- Two troop shipments each year

- Christmas gifts to county nursing home residents

Get Out the Vote

- Provide information about elections to the public

- Help the community register to vote

Literacy Programs

- Provide dictionaries to all county 3rd graders

- Present patriotic books to county middle school libraries

Patriot Paws Service Dogs

- Provides service dogs to veterans